Sunday, July 7, 2013

Just Getting Started!

For the past 15 months, I've been diligently working away at shifting my life work. 2012 felt like the year of change, and 2013 feels like the year of action.

I'm still working hard behind the background, but I'm pleased announce that my new website is up and running:  Primal Ground

For years I've known that my true passion and true calling in life resides in natural health.  As an herbalist for over 25 years, I've long been involved in using medicinal herbs for my own health, the health of my family, and the health of friends and clients. It's always fascinated me how the knowledge of how to use just a handful of plants can reap remarkable benefits and healing from common illness and health issues. When combined with other modalities, people can easily shift imbalance back to wellness.  In this day of ever-increasing medical costs, and a lack of access to real medical care, it is becoming even more important for people to feel confident in relying on their intuition, nutritional knowledge, and basic life skills to enhance their own wellbeing.

As I've progressed through life and all she brings, I've started pulling together all my experiences and expertise under an umbrella I'm calling Primal Ground. It is my intention to weave together my knowledge and expertise in women's health, awareness, self-defense, nutrition, meditation, and the outdoors in order to provide an amazing set of classes, programs, workshops, and retreats.

I'm so excited to be working on these offerings, and I cannot wait to share them with you.

In the meantime, while the background work is being completed, I've been busy preparing to present at the Ancestral Health Symposium 2013.  I'm honored to be presenting a poster titled, "Primal Pregnancy, Primal Birth:  Building a Foundation of Optimal Health for Future Generations."

Please stay tuned for more announcements regarding my program, AHS13, and all the beauty life has to offer!

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